
The aims of the organisation include:-

  • To develop, maintain and provide support and counseling in the socio-cultural, education and economic rehabilitation and Integration of the Tigrayans into the mainstream British society
  • To advance the social, cultural and health well-being if the Tigrayans through mutual self-help and voluntary activities
  • To enhance the economic well-being of the Tigrayans through employment and social enterprise
  • To promote and advance education and training needs of Tigrayans
  • To undertake crisis and emergency management work among the isolated, unaccompanied refugee minors and asylum seeking Tigrayans
  • To provide home visits and befriending services to the Tigrayan Community

CTG-UK provides the following services:

  • Advice, support and advocacy in various areas including welfare benefits, immigration, education, training and employment etc.
  • Female and young people training and development programmes
  • Supplementary classes for children
  • Health development programmes
  • Job search activities
  • Provide courses such as English, IT, web-design etc.
  • Organise social and cultural events, trips seminars and work shops
  • Providing volunteering and workplacement opportunities

CTGVolunteering and Immigration status

All asylum seekers can volunteer whatever their immigration status. Students who are nationals from outside the EU, apart from asylum seekers and refugees do have some restrictions on their volunteering, including a limit of 20 hours per week during term time, unless the college agrees otherwise. All non-visa, non-EU nationals should apply for a change to their visa from within the UK if they wish to volunteer. Non-EU nationals who need a visa for the UK can only apply to change their visa to allow volunteering if they apply from their own country.


The CTG-UK can give references to volunteers for future employment after they have volunteered for more than 6 sessions (i.e. long enough to be able to give a fair reference).


CTG-UK is an equal opportunity organisation committed to the elimination of racial discrimination in any form, either of individual, institutional, direct or indirect discrimination.

Supervision, Support and Training

All volunteers will be given a named supervisor and 1 to 1 supervision as required. At the beginning of their volunteering they will agree with their named supervisor whether there are any specific aims for their personal development, and any training that they might require. These aims will be reviewed during supervision. Supervision will also cover feedback on the volunteer’s progress and discussion of any other support needs/issues.


1.1. Volunteers should regard all information they have access to or are given as a result of their volunteering as being confidential unless advised otherwise. No information should be released to a third party without first seeking the agreement of the project manager/and or the individual concerned, apart from information that is public knowledge (e.g. magazines, brochures).

References and further volunteering

The CTG-UK can give references to volunteers for future employment after they have volunteered for more than 6 sessions (i.e. long enough to be able to give a fair reference). We can also provide further volunteering opportunities in our partner organisations.